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Law Office of J. Douglas Barics

Long Island Divorce and Appeals Attorney


Solutions for your Complex Divorce and Appeal Problems

(631) 864-2600

Long Island Divorce and Appeals Attorney

Suffolk County Divorce and Appeals Lawyer
Representing clients throughout Long Island

The Law Office of J. Douglas Barics offers a range of closely related legal services to help Long Island clients to protect their interests with unparalleled skill. No two families are the same, and finding a solution may be evasive at first. Having the assistance of an experienced Suffolk County divorce lawyer is critical. Our ability to provide a holistic approach to your situation allows us to help better understand what you are facing and help you find practical solutions.

We believe that Family Law is more than just a legal field. It is a special field of law that requires a special type of lawyer. At the Law Office of J. Douglas Barics, we are committed to finding the answers which are right for you.

Much of our work is at the appellate level, successfully appealing numerous cases in the First and Second Department. The best appeal lawyers are more than simply good writers, they also understand the procedural rules and the fundamental differences between trial and appellate judges. At the Law Office of J. Douglas Barics, we are committed to zealous advocacy of your interests if you decide an appeal is necessary.

Long Island Partitions and Constructive Trust Lawyer

Suffolk County Partitions and Constructive Trust Attorney
Representing clients throughout Long Island

A significant amount of our practice involves partitions and constructive trusts. This area of the law is often overlooked by matrimonial attorneys despite these fields often going hand in hand with divorce matters. Conversely, property law attorneys lack the matrimonial skills to handle these cases when they overlap with divorces.

We are committed to finding the right solution for you even if your issue does not completely fall into matrimonial law. This is especially true when third parties own property with either spouse, if assets were jointly acquired before marriage, and very often, in same sex divorces.

Having a range of closely related legal fields to work with lets us give our clients the representation they need.

The Problem Solving Law Firm of Suffolk County

Banner  - J. Douglas Barics Attorney at Law

Our years of experience has resulted in a finely tuned set of skills to allow us to find a solution for nearly any problem. The firm’s commitment to professionalism and civility allows us to provide representation the highest level of professional service at a fraction of the cost of other firms. While the speed of the court is beyond our control, we will work to move your case along as fast as practical.

About Us


Law Articles

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Glossary of Legal Terms

Our online glossary is complied from questions people have asked over legal terms.

A Unique Approach


Attorney J. Douglas BaricsA combination of passion for law and an affinity to understanding how things work is the driving force behind the firm. The result is one of the most common compliments given by clients, counsel and judges; being able to transform extremely complicated matters into easy to understand segments without losing the nuances of the underlying issue.