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Child Support in New York

Child Support

Long Island Child Support Lawyer

How Child Support is Determined in New York

Parents have a legal obligation to support their children, and by and large a great many parents do so without question. But when a parent fails to pay adequate support for their children, the courts are available.

Child support is available as an ancillary issue in any matrimonial action or as an independent proceeding in Family Court. Child support is based applying a percentage of income without requiring the court to determine the needs of the child. The New York Child Support Standards Chart is available from New York State to assist people in determining the approximate amount of annual child support.

At the Law Office of J. Douglas Barics, we have extensive experience in child support matters. If your spouse is trying to lower their income to avoid support, or if they are seeking an excessive amount of support, we know how to address these issues fairly and firmly.

Do you need representation in a divorce that includes a determination of child support?

Contact us online or at (631) 864-2600.

What you need to know about New York Child Support

How is child support calculated in New York?

Child Support in New York is calculated based on a percentage of income. Each parent is required to pay a percentage based on the number of children up to a combined income of $183,000 as of 2025.

  • One child17%
  • Two children25%
  • Three children29%
  • Four children31%
  • Five or more children: no less than 35%

How is the children's health insurance paid?

The children's health insurance is paid by calculating the ratio of each parent's income, and that percentage is that parent's obligation towards the health insurance premiums. If the non custodial parent provides the health insurance, they get the payment as a credit. If the custodial parent is the insurance provider, the non custodial parent's share is added to the basic support.

How are out of pocket medical expenses paid?

Out of pocket medical expenses are paid by requiring each parent to pay a percentage of the expense based on a ratio of the parental income.

How are day care expenses paid?

Day care expenses are paid by dividing the cost between the parents in a ratio equal to their incomes.

Is there a child support calculator?

There is a free online child support calculator available at the Unified Court System website. Free Child Support Calculator.

What is imputed income?

Imputed income is income the court determines that a parent has the ability to make but is intentionally not earning so as to avoid paying the full amount of child support. When the court finds that a parent is found to have artificially lowered, the court can base child support off that parent's ability to earn.

What is a needs based award of child support?

A needs based child support award is available when a parent has been found to intentionally avoid disclosing their income, making it impossible to determine a guideline amount of support. The support is then not calculated by a percentage of income, but what the needs of the child. In addition, if it is later found that a guideline amount would have resulted in higher support, it is automatically granted retroactively.

Contact Our Child Support Attorney Today

At the Law Office of J. Douglas Barics, we have the skills and knowledge to handle any divorce involving child support, no matter how challenging or complex. With over 20 years of experience, we can bring to you the services of a large firm at a fraction of the cost. When you need a skilled matrimonial lawyer located in Suffolk County, call The Law Office of J. Douglas Barics.

For a free phone case consultation or to schedule an office meeting, call 631-864-2600.